Pure Perspectives

  • Bisphenol X – Know What You Are Consuming

    Regrettable substitutions for Bisphenol A (BPA) leave consumers of certain plastic products with only bad options. Public health departments recommend using glass, porcelain, or stainless-steel containers, particularly for hot food or drinks.
  • Bioplastics: No Panacea

    Rather than the cure-all that was proffered, upon closer inspection, bioplastics appear to be a regrettable substitution for conventional plastics. Research shows that bioplastics suffer from toxicity and negative environment impacts like their petroleum-based counterparts.

  • California to Investigate Whether Petrochemical Companies Misled Public about Plastic Recycling Efficacy

    The state of California took an unprecedented step in shattering the plastic recycling illusion recently when Attorney General Rob Bonta announced an investigation into petrochemical companies to determine the extent to which they have known about the futility of plastic recycling and the extent to which they have misled the public.
  • Confronting Plastic Pollution at Specialty Coffee Expo in New Orleans

    “The specialty coffee industry is aware of the problems regarding plastic pollution, for sure... we are looking for sustainable processes that begin with the farmers and end with the person drinking the coffee.”

  • Maine Passes First State Law on Plastic Producer Accountability

    In mid-July, Maine became the first state to pass a law holding producers of plastic packaging financially responsible for recycling the materials they generate, paving the way for other states to follow.
  • Plastics Hit Men Where It Hurts

    Men, plastics are shrinking your manhood. It’s not a joke. Studies show that chemicals used in the manufacture of plastics contribute to the reduction in size of the male reproductive organ, or the penis.
  • Lawsuit Targets Greenwashing by Plastic Using Corporations

    Earth Island Institute unveiled yet another novel legal theory in its bid to hold the companies that create the growing global plastic pollution problem to account.
  • VITRI (formerly Littorary) Signs Global Plastic Pollution Petition

    VITRI has signed a petition created by the World Wildlife Fund aimed at encouraging the United Nations to create a global and legally binding agreement to stop copious amounts of plastic from leaking into our oceans and waterways. We encourage others to do the same.

  • Pressure Grows for Global Treaty on Plastic Waste

    As plastic pollution grows to be one of the most consequential environmental hazards of our time, so grows the awareness of the problem as one that transcends national boundaries. Citizens across the world are taking notice, and many people, particularly the cohort of younger generations are demanding more attention and action to the problem.
  • Investors Demand Corporate Accountability on Plastic Pollution

    Corporate America is on notice – continue to ignore your poor environmental record and face the wrath, not of a bunch of granola-munching activists, but of your own shareholders. 81% of Dupont investors voted against management to demand the company keep track of its plastic footprint.
  • California Becomes First in World to Develop Health Guidelines for Microplastics in Drinking Water

    California will become the first government in the world to develop formal health guidelines for microplastics in drinking water, a sign of increasing concern about the ubiquity of small non-biodegradable pieces of plastic in the environment and their potential harm to human health.
  • Big Plastic Sued over Recycling Claims and Pollution Scourge

    Berkeley, California-based NGO, Earth Island Institute, is suing a number of plastics producers over misleading recycling claims and environmental damage caused by their products. The NGO asserts that most of the plastics produced by these companies cannot be recycled and end up as pollution in the environment, which requires costly cleanup efforts.